
The Cambridge AI Safety Hub brings together students, researchers and professionals in Cambridge who share the goal of ensuring that advanced artificial intelligence is developed in a safe and responsible way. AI has the potential to transform our world, for better or for worse, in unimaginable ways, but our current ability to understand how these systems work is lagging far behind their accelerating growth in capabilities. A powerful and misaligned artificial intelligence could be the greatest threat that humanity has ever faced, and yet there are paradoxically few people working seriously on the problem of AI safety.

Our aim is to provide state-of-the-art resources and opportunities for motivated individuals to contribute to combating risks from powerful AI. We focus on technical research: getting more people to do it, and doing it ourselves. Among our members are full-time researchers at Cambridge who are at the forefront of the field. We run educational programmes, workshops and other events designed to bring you up to speed with current AI safety research, meet others in the community, and find projects to begin working on yourself. We can help you find the best opportunities, both in Cambridge and elsewhere, to learn the skills you need and to begin contributing.

The field of AI safety is young, it is difficult, and it may be urgent - according to some projections, we have mere decades until AI brings about dramatic transformations in the world - but there is hope that, if enough ambitious, skilled and dedicated people come together, we have a better chance of navigating the AI transition safely.

The Cambridge AI Safety Hub is just one part of a global effort to prevent catastrophic accidents from AI. If you’d like to find out more what you can do in Cambridge, start here. For other opportunities, see this page.